

Since 5.3.0get_classNULL became the default value for object, so passing NULL to object now has the same result as not passing any value.
Since 5.0.0get_classThe object parameter is optional if called from the object's method.
 get_classThe class name is returned in its original notation.
 get_parent_classThe object parameter is optional if called from the object's method.
Since 5.0cal_info参数calendar作为可选项,缺省时默认值为"所有历法"。
Since 4.3.0easter_dateyear参数可选,缺省的默认值是当年。
 easter_days引入参数 method。
 easter_days参数year 可选,缺省默认值是当年。
Since 4.2.0srandseed 成为可选,省略时会默认使用随机值。
Since 4.0.5get_parent_classIf object is a string, returns the name of the parent class of the class with that name.
prior to 5.3.0get_object_varsIf the object isn't an object, then get_object_vars would return FALSE
Prior to 5.1.3imagecolorallocatealphaReturns -1 if the allocation failed.
Prior to 4.2.0get_class_varsUninitialized class variables will not be reported by get_class_vars
prior to 4.2.0get_object_varsIf the variables declared in the class of which the object is an instance, have not been assigned a value, those will not be returned in the array
PHP 5.3.2 (PECL OCI8 1.4)oci_set_prefetchBefore this release, rows must be >= 1.
PHP 5.3 (PECL OCI8 1.3.4)oci_set_prefetchBefore this release, prefetching was limited to the lesser of rows rows and 1024 * rows bytes. The byte size restriction has now been removed.
Before 5.1.0get_parent_classIf called without parameter outside object, this function would have returned NULL with a warning.
7.0.0assertassert is now a language construct and not a function. assertion can now be an expression. The second parameter is now interpreted either as an exception (if a Throwable object is given), or as the description supported from PHP 5.4.8 onwards.
 session_start新加 options 参数。
 substr如果 string 的字符串长度与 start 相同时将返回一个空字符串。在之前的版本中,这种情况将返回 FALSE 。
 IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneIdThis function has been removed.
5.6.6json_encodeoptions 参数增加常量: JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION
5.6.5cryptWhen the failure string "*0" is given as the salt, "*1" will now be returned for consistency with other crypt implementations. Prior to this version, PHP 5.6 would incorrectly return a DES hash.
5.6.1sem_acquireThe $nowait parameter was added.
5.6.0cryptRaise E_NOTICE security warning if salt is omitted.
 hash_algos加入对 gost-crypto 算法的支持。 参照 RFC 4357,11.2 小节 定义的 CryptoPro S-box 表格实现 GOST 哈希函数。
 html_entity_decodeThe default value for the encoding parameter was changed to be the value of the default_charset configuration option.
 htmlentitiesThe default value for the encoding parameter was changed to be the value of the default_charset configuration option.
 htmlspecialcharsThe default value for the encoding parameter was changed to be the value of the default_charset configuration option.
 json_decodeInvalid non-lowercased variants of the true, false and null literals are no longer accepted as valid input, and will generate warnings.
 mb_regex_encodingDefault encoding is changed to UTF-8. It was EUC-JP Previously.
 mcrypt_create_ivsource 参数的默认值是 MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM。
 mcrypt_decrypt不再接受无效长度的 key and iv 参数。 如果参数长度无效,则 mcrypt_decrypt 函数会产生警告并且返回 FALSE。 之前版本中,对于长度不足的密钥和初始向量会在其后补齐 '\0' 使其达到有效长度。
 mcrypt_encrypt不再接受无效长度的 key and iv 参数。 如果参数长度无效,则 mcrypt_decrypt 函数会产生警告并且返回 FALSE。 之前版本中,对于长度不足的密钥和初始向量会在其后补齐 '\0' 使其达到有效长度。
 pg_lo_truncateAdded truncate function. It supports PostgreSQL 9.3's 64bit large object. Both client and server must support PostgreSQL 9.3 and PHP must be 64bit build to use 64bit large object.
 stream_socket_enable_cryptoThe crypto_type is now optional.
 substr_comparelength 可以是 0。
 ReflectionClass::newInstanceWithoutConstructorAll internal classes can now be instantiated except for those declared final.
 XMLReader::getAttributeNoXMLReader::getAttributeNo now returns NULL if the attribute doesn't exist.
 XMLReader::getAttributeNsXMLReader::getAttributeNS now returns NULL if the attribute doesn't exist.
5.5.21cryptWhen the failure string "*0" is given as the salt, "*1" will now be returned for consistency with other crypt implementations. Prior to this version, PHP 5.5 (and earlier branches) would incorrectly return a DES hash.
5.5.19/5.6.3imagescaleThe calculation of the height if new_height was negative or omitted was fixed; prior to these versions, the aspect ratio was not maintained correctly.
5.5.8DatePeriod::__constructend type changed to DateTimeImmutable. Previously, DateTime.
5.5.7apache_request_headers此函数可用于 CLI server。
 apache_response_headers此函数可用于 CLI server.
 getallheaders此函数可用于 CLI server。
5.5.2DOMDocument::schemaValidateAdded the flags parameter
 DOMDocument::schemaValidateSourceAdded the flags parameter
 session_set_save_handler加入可选参数 create_sid。
5.5.0/PECL 3.0.0IntlDateFormatter::createAn IntlCalendar object is allowed for calendar. Objects of type IntlTimeZone and DateTimeZone are allowed for timezone. Invalid timezone identifiers (including empty strings) are no longer allowed for timezone. If NULL is given for timezone, the timezone identifier given by date_default_timezone_get will be used instead of ICUʼs default.
 IntlDateFormatter::formatSupport for providing IntlCalendar objects to the value parameter was added.
 IntlDateFormatter::setCalendarIt became possible to pass an IntlCalendar object.
5.5.0DatePeriod::__constructstart type changed to DateTimeImmutable. Previously, DateTime.
 emptyempty 现在支持表达式了,而不仅仅是变量。
 json_encode增加 depth 参数。
 php_logo_guidphp_logo_guid 从 PHP 中移除。
 preg_replace/e 修饰符已经被弃用了。使用 preg_replace_callback 代替。参见文档中 PREG_REPLACE_EVAL 关于安全风险的更多信息。
 setcookieA Max-Age attribute is now included in the Set-Cookie header sent to the client.
 setrawcookieA Max-Age attribute is now included in the Set-Cookie header sent to the client.
 zend_logo_guidzend_logo_guid 从 PHP 中移除了。
 IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneIdThis function has been deprecated.
 SoapClient::SoapClientNew ssl_method option.
5.4.8assert增加了参数 description。 description 现在也作为第四个参数提供给 ASSERT_CALLBACK 模式里的回调函数。
5.4.7parse_url修复了 host 在 协议 省略时的识别。
5.4.4hex2bin如果输入的字符串有多余将抛出异常。 PHP 5.4.0 起字符串将被静默地接受,但是最后的字节会被截断。
5.4.0/PECL 2.0.0b1idn_to_asciiAdded the parameters variant and idna_info; UTS #46 support.
 idn_to_utf8Added the parameters variant and idna_info; UTS #46 support.
5.4.0DOMDocument::loadHTMLAdded options parameter.
 DOMDocument::loadHTMLFileAdded options parameter.
 apache_request_headers此函数可用于 FastCGI。 此前仅在PHP以 Apache 模块方式运行时支持。
 apache_response_headers此函数可用于 FastCGI。 此前仅在PHP以 Apache 模块方式运行时支持。
 date_default_timezone_get不再使用 TZ 来推测时区。
 define_syslog_variablesThis function was removed from PHP.
 empty检查非数字的字符串偏移量会返回 TRUE.
 filter_input_array添加 add_empty 参数.
 filter_var_array添加 add_empty 参数.
 get_html_translation_tableThe default value for the encoding parameter was changed to UTF-8.
 get_html_translation_tableThe constants ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML and ENT_HTML5 were added.
 get_magic_quotes_gpc始终返回 FALSE,因为这个魔术引号功能已经从 PHP 中移除了。
 get_magic_quotes_runtime总是返回 FALSE,因为魔术引号(magic quotes)功能已经从 PHP 中移除。
 getallheaders此函数可用于 FastCGI。 此前仅在PHP以 Apache 模块方式运行时支持。
 gzcompressAdded encoding parameter.
 gzdeflateAdded encoding parameter.
 gzencodeFORCE_DEFLATE now generates RFC 1950 compliant output.
 hashtiger 算法使用大端(big-endian)字节序。参见下面的示例。
 hash_algos加入对于 joaat,fnv132 和 fnv164 算法的支持。移除 Salsa10 和 Salsa20 算法。
 html_entity_decodeThe constants ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML and ENT_HTML5 were added.
 html_entity_decodeDefault encoding changed from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.
 htmlentitiesThe default value for the encoding parameter was changed to UTF-8.
 htmlentitiesThe constants ENT_SUBSTITUTE, ENT_DISALLOWED, ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML and ENT_HTML5 were added.
 htmlspecialcharsThe default value for the encoding parameter was changed to UTF-8.
 htmlspecialcharsThe constants ENT_SUBSTITUTE, ENT_DISALLOWED, ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML and ENT_HTML5 were added.
 htmlspecialchars_decode增加了 ENT_HTML401、ENT_XML1、 ENT_XHTML 和 ENT_HTML5 等常量。
 http_build_query加入了 enc_type 参数。
 isset检查字符的非数字偏移量将会返回 FALSE。
 json_decodeThe options parameter was added.
 mb_encode_numericentityAdded is_hex parameter.
 number_formatThis function now supports multiple bytes in dec_point and thousands_sep. Only the first byte of each separator was used in older versions.
 openssl_decryptThe raw_output was changed to options.
 openssl_encryptThe raw_output was changed to options.
 scandirsorting_order now accepts constants. Any nonzero value caused descending order in previous versions.
 session_set_save_handler加入 SessionHandlerInterface 接口以及 SessionHandler 类,以方便用户实现自定义的会话保存管理器。
 snmp_set_valueretrievalConstants SNMP_VALUE_PLAIN or SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY may be combined with SNMP_VALUE_OBJECT resulting different way of representing contents of value array element in return value of GET-function. If no SNMP_VALUE_{PLAIN,LIBRARY} constant is accompanying SNMP_VALUE_OBJECT, SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY is used. Prior to 5.4.0 SNMP_VALUE_OBJECT effecively meant SNMP_VALUE_OBJECT|SNMP_VALUE_PLAIN.
 sort添加了 sort_flags 内 SORT_NATURAL 和 SORT_FLAG_CASE 的支持。
 Phar::setStubAdded len parameter.
 PharData::setStubAdded len parameter.
 SimpleXMLElement::getDocNamespacesAdded from_root parameter.
 SoapClient::SoapClientNew keep_alive option.
5.4grapheme_substrIf length is given and positive and the argument string is shorter than the specified length, all the rest of the string according to start parameter is returned. Previously, FALSE was returned.
5.3.9DateTime::createFromFormatThe + format specifier has been added.
 is_aAdded allow_string parameter
 is_subclass_ofAdded allow_string parameter
5.3.7cryptAdded $2x$ and $2y$ Blowfish modes to deal with potential high-bit attacks.
5.3.6DateTime::modifyAbsolute date/time statements now take effect. Previously, only relative parts were used.
 DOMDocument::saveHTMLThe node parameter was added.
 preg_match如果 offset 比 subject 的长度还要大则返回 FALSE。
 preg_match_all如果 offset 大于 subject 的程度,将返回 FALSE。
 PDO_MYSQL DSNPrior to version 5.3.6, charset was ignored.
5.3.4get_html_translation_tableThe encoding parameter was added.
 rawurlencode因为 rawurlencode 使用了 EBCDIC,所以波浪线字符不会再被编码。
 IntlDateFormatter::formatSupport for providing DateTime objects to the value parameter was added.
5.3.3DOMXPath::evaluateThe registerNodeNS parameter was added.
 DOMXPath::queryThe registerNodeNS parameter was added.
 json_encodeoptions 参数增加常量:JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK。
 ldap_sasl_bindSupport on Windows was added.
 openssl_decryptThe iv parameter was added.
 openssl_encryptThe iv parameter was added.
 parse_url在 URL 解析失败时将不会产生 E_WARNING 级别的错误。
5.3.2crypt修正了 Blowfish 算法由于非法循环导致的问题,返回“失败”字符串(“*0” 或 “*1”)而不是转而使用 DES 算法。
 crypt基于 Ulrich Drepper 的实现,新增基于 SHA-256 算法和 SHA-512 算法的 crypt。
 gmp_initThe base was extended from 2 to 36, to 2 to 62 and -2 to -36.
 gmp_strvalThe base was extended from 2 to 36, to 2 to 62 and -2 to -36.
5.3.1get_defined_constants仅作用于 Windows:内核常量归类到 Core,之前是 mhash。
 ibase_queryOn success the function now returns TRUE if there were no affected rows, where it previously returned 0 (a zero followed by an empty space).
 rename可以在 Windows 上跨驱动器 rename 文件。
5.3.0DateTime::__constructIf time contains an invalid date/time format, then an exception is now thrown. Previously an error was emitted.
 DateTime::modify将返回值从NULL改为 DateTime 类型。
 DateTime::setDate将返回值从NULL改为 DateTime 类型。
 DateTime::setISODate将返回值从NULL改为 DateTime 类型。
 DateTime::setTime将返回值从NULL改为 DateTime 类型。
 DateTime::setTimezone将返回值从NULL改为 DateTime 类型。
 DateTimeZone::getTransitionsThe optional timestamp_begin and timestamp_end were added.
 DateTimeZone::listIdentifiersAdded the optional what and country parameters.
 acoshThis function is now available on all platforms
 array_reduceChanged initial to allow mixed, previously integer.
 array_searchAs with all internal PHP functions as of 5.3.0, array_search returns NULL if invalid parameters are passed to it.
 clearstatcache增加了可选的 clear_realpath_cache 和 filename 参数.
 copy增加了对 context 的支持。
 cryptPHP 现在包含了它自己的 MD5 Crypt 实现,包括标准 DES 算法,扩展的 DES 算法以及 Blowfish 算法。如果系统缺乏相应的实现,那么 PHP 将使用它自己的实现。
 date_default_timezone_set现在会抛出 E_WARNING 而不是 E_STRICT。
 define_syslog_variablesThis function now throws an E_DEPRECATED notice.
 dl由于稳定性,dl 在某些 SAPI 中被禁用。仅仅允许 dl 的 SAPI 为 CLI 和 Embed。 使用 扩展加载指令 作为替代。
 fgetcsv增加了 escape 参数。
 fnmatch此函数开始在 Windows 平台上生效。
 func_get_argIf this function is called from the outermost scope of a file which has been included by calling include or require from within a function in the calling file, it now generates a warning and returns FALSE. (不知道如何翻译跟好,直接参考例2即可明白)
 func_get_argsIf this function is called from the outermost scope of a file which has been included by calling include or require from within a function in the calling file, it now generates a warning and returns FALSE. (不知道如何翻译跟好,直接参考例2即可明白)
 func_num_argsIf this function is called from the outermost scope of a file which has been included by calling include or require from within a function in the calling file, it now generates a warning and returns -1.
 func_num_argsThis function can now be used in parameter lists.
 get_cfg_varget_cfg_var 被修复,能够返回 "array" 的 ini 选项。
 get_defined_constants内核常量归类为 Core,之前是 internal。在 Windows 上,内核常量归类到 mhash。
 get_object_varsThis function now returns NULL if the object isn't an object.
 getimagesizeAdded icon support.
 getmxrrThis function is now available on Windows platforms.
 getopt支持 "=" 作为 参数和值的分隔符。
 getopt参数 longopts 在所有系统平台上均可用。
 getopt此函数不再依赖于操作系统,现在也能够在 Windows 上运行。
 hash_algos加入对 md2,ripemd256,ripemd320,salsa10,salsa20,snefru256 和 sha224 哈希算法的支持。
 htmlentitiesThe constant ENT_IGNORE was added.
 htmlspecialcharsThe constant ENT_IGNORE was added.
 imagecolorclosesthwb在 Windows 平台上可用
 imagefilterPixelation support (IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE) was added.
 inet_ntopThis function is now available on Windows platforms.
 inet_ptonThis function is now available on Windows platforms.
 ini_get当配置项不存在,之前会返回空字符串,现在会返回 FALSE。
 ini_get_all增加参数 details。
 is_aThis function is no longer deprecated, and will therefore no longer throw E_STRICT warnings.
 json_decodeAdded the optional depth. The default recursion depth was increased from 128 to 512
 json_encode增加 options 参数.
 link该功能在 Windows 平台下开始有效(Vista、 Server 2008 或更高版本)。
 linkinfoWindows 平台上开始可用(Vista、Server 2008 或更高版本)。
 mb_get_info条目 "http_output_conv_mimetypes" 开始有效。
 mcrypt_create_iv不再需要提前调用 srand 函数, 由本函数自动完成调用。
 mcrypt_create_ivMCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM 和 MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM 在 Windows 平台也可用了。
 mktimemktime now throws E_DEPRECATED notice if the is_dst parameter is used.
 nl2br新增可选的 is_xhtml 参数。
 openssl_sealThe method parameter was added.
 parse_ini_fileAdded optional scanner_mode parameter. Single quotes may now be used around variable assignments. Hash marks (#) may no longer be used as comments and will throw a deprecation warning if used.
 pg_lo_importThe optional object_id was added.
 preg_quote字符 - 被增加为需要转义的。
 property_existsThis function checks the existence of a property independent of accessibility.
 rawurlencode现在符合了RFC 3986。
 readlink此函数在 Windows 平台下可用(Vista、Server 2008 或更高版本)。
 realpath在之前的版本中,在 *BSD 系统上,如果仅仅是 path 不存在的话,realpath 并不会像其它系统那样返回 FALSE。
 register_tick_functionTicks are now supported on threaded web server modules.
 round引入了 mode 参数
 session_start如果函数调用失败返回 FALSE, 之前版本返回了 TRUE。
 setlocaleThis function now throws an E_DEPRECATED notice if a string is passed to the category parameter instead of one of the LC_* constants.
 shm_attachThis function now returns a 资源(resource) instead of an integer.
 socket_create_pairThis function is now re-enabled on Windows platforms.
 stream_context_create增加了可选参数 params 。
 stristr新增可选的 before_needle 参数。
 strlenPrior versions treated arrays as the string Array, thus returning a string length of 5 and emitting an E_NOTICE level error.
 strstr新增可选的 before_needle 参数。
 strtotime在 PHP 5.3.0 之前, 24:00 不是一个有效的格式,并且 strtotime 会返回 FALSE。
 sybase_connectThe new parameter was added.
 symlink此函数在 Windows 平台上可用(Vista、Server 2008 或更高版本)。
 touch能够修改 Windows 下目录的最后修改时间。
 ReflectionFunction::__constructname can now be a closure.
 XMLReader::expandThe parameter basenode was added.
5.2.11get_defined_constantscategorize 参数现在可以合适得被处理。 在此之前,categorize 被解释为 !is_null($categorize),导致任何非 NULL 的值会强制常量分类。
5.2.10array_randThe resulting array of keys is no longer shuffled.
 array_uniqueChanged the default value of sort_flags back to SORT_STRING.
 ip2long再此之前的版本, ip2long 有时会返回即使这不是一个IPV4的标准地址的数字地址。
 natsortZero padded numeric strings (e.g., '00005') now essentially ignore the 0 padding.
5.2.9array_uniqueAdded the optional sort_flags defaulting to SORT_REGULAR. Prior to 5.2.9, this function used to sort the array with SORT_STRING internally.
5.2.8XSLTProcessor::importStylesheetAccepts SimpleXMLElement again which was broken since PHP 5.2.6.
5.2.7parse_ini_fileOn syntax error this function will return FALSE rather than an empty array.
 roundround 的内部运作修改符合 C99 的标准。
 strtotimeIn PHP 5 prior to 5.2.7, requesting a given occurrence of a given weekday in a month where that weekday was the first day of the month would incorrectly add one week to the returned timestamp. This has been corrected in 5.2.7 and later versions.
5.2.6fopen增加了选项 'c' 和 'c+'
5.2.5addcslashesThe escape sequences \v and \f were added.
 imagefilterAlpha support for IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE was added.
 get_loaded_extensions添加了可选的 zend_extensions 参数。
 ldap_first_attributeThe ber_identifier was removed. This is now handled automatically by PHP.
 ldap_next_attributeThe ber_identifier was removed. This is now handled automatically by PHP.
 parse_ini_file由数字组成的键名和小节名会被 PHP 当作整数来处理,因此以 0 开头的数字会被当作八进制而以 0x 开头的会被当作十六进制。
 stream_wrapper_register添加 flags 参数.
5.2.3getimagesizeRead errors generated by this function downgraded to E_NOTICE from E_WARNING.
 htmlentitiesThe double_encode parameter was added.
 htmlspecialcharsThe double_encode parameter was added.
 json_decodeThe nesting limit was increased from 20 to 128
 XMLWriter::writeElementThe content parameter became optional.
 XMLWriter::writeElementNSThe content parameter became optional.
 PDOStatement::getColumnMetatable 字段
5.2.2 - 5.2.6substrIf the start parameter indicates the position of a negative truncation or beyond, false is returned. Other versions get the string from start.
5.2.2DOMDocument::registerNodeClassPrior to 5.2.2, a previously registered extendedclass had to be unregistered before being able to register a new class extending the same baseclass.
 ftp_ssl_connect以前版本中,如果无法使用 SSL 连接,将会返回一个非 SSL 的连接, 在 5.2.2 版本中修改为返回 FALSE
 preg_match命名子组可以接受(?<name>), (?'name') 以及(?P<name>)语法。之前版本仅接受(?P<name>)语法。
 preg_match_all子命名分组语法可以接受(?<name>),(?'name')以及 (?P<name>)了。 之前版本仅接受(?P<name>)方式。
 proc_terminate之前的版本被用来销毁进程 resource。
 token_get_allLine numbers are returned in element 2
5.2.1json_decodeAdded support for JSON decoding of basic types.
 memory_get_peak_usage使用此函数无需在编译时加上 --enable-memory-limit 选项。
 memory_get_usage不需要在编译时使用 --enable-memory-limit 选项就能够使用这个函数。
 mt_srandThe Mersenne Twister implementation in PHP now uses a new seeding algorithm by Richard Wagner. Identical seeds no longer produce the same sequence of values they did in previous versions. This behavior is not expected to change again, but it is considered unsafe to rely upon it nonetheless.
 proc_open为 other_options 参数增加 bypass_shell 选项。
5.2.0base64_decode增加了 strict 。
 imagettftextIt is now possible to specify an hexadecimal entity in text.
 mb_strrpos增加了可选参数 offset。
 memory_get_peak_usage添加参数 real_usage。
 memory_get_usage增加了参数 real_usage。
 openssl_verifyThe signature_alg parameter was added.
 pathinfo添加了常量 PATHINFO_FILENAME。
 session_get_cookie_params在返回数组中加入 “httponly”。
 session_set_cookie_params加入 httponly 参数。
 setcookieThe httponly parameter was added.
 setrawcookieThe httponly parameter was added.
 snmp_set_oid_numeric_printSince PHP 5.2.0.
 PDOStatement::executeinput_parameters 中的键名必须和 SQL 中声明的相匹配。PHP 5.2.0 之前默认忽略。
 SimpleXMLElement::childrenThe optional parameter is_prefix was added.
 SimpleXMLElement::__constructAdded the ns and is_prefix parameters.
 SoapServer::SoapServerAdded the typemap option.
 XMLReader::openencoding and options were added.
 XMLReader::XMLencoding and options were added.
5.1.3get_headers自 PHP 5.1.3 起本函数使用默认的流上下文,其可以用 stream_context_get_default 函数设定和修改。
 mb_get_info实体 "mail_charset"、"mail_header_encoding" 和 "mail_body_encoding" 开始有效。
 SoapClient::__doRequestThe one_way parameter was added.
 XMLReader::getAttributeReturn NULL if no attribute found. Previously, returned an empty string.
5.1.2date_default_timezone_set本版本开始验证 timezone_identifier 参数。
 http_build_query加入了参数 arg_separator。
 parse_url增加了参数 component。
 SimpleXMLElement::__constructAdded the options and data_is_url parameters.
5.1.1dateformat 参数标准的可用日期/时间格式常量见: 常量
5.1.0DOMDocument::saveAdded the options parameter
 DOMDocument::saveXMLAdded the options parameter
 ctype_digit在 PHP 5.1.0 之前,当 text 是一个空字符串的时候,该函数将返回 TRUE 。
 date现在发布 E_STRICT 和 E_NOTICE 时区错误。
 date时间戳的有效取值范围为 GMT 时间的 1901 年 12 月 13 日至 GMT 时间的 2038 年 1 月 19 日。 (32 位有符号整数的取值范围)。 但是,在 PHP 5.1.0 之前的版本,在某些系统(例如 Windows)上有效取值范围为 1970 年 1 月 1 日至 2038 年 1 月 19 日。
 date_sunrise现在发布 E_STRICT 和 E_NOTICE 时区错误。
 date_sunset现在发布 E_STRICT 和 E_NOTICE 时区错误。
 explode支持负数的 limit
 file_get_contentsAdded the offset and maxlen parameters.
 file_put_contents添加了对 LOCK_EX 的支持和 data 参数处理 stream 资源的功能。
 gettimeofday增加了参数 return_float。
 globGLOB_ERR was added
 imagerotate新增: ignore_transparent 。
 intval当传入的 var 是 object,将会抛出 E_NOTICE 并返回 1。
 localtime现在发布 E_STRICT 和 E_NOTICE 时区错误。
 md5_file函数改用流 API。这意味着能够配合封装器使用该函数,比如 md5_file('http://example.com/..')。
 mktimeis_dst 参数被废弃。出错时函数返回 FALSE 而不再是 -1。修正了本函数可以接受年月日参数全为零。
 mktimeWhen called with no arguments, mktime throws E_STRICT notice. Use the time function instead.
 mktime现在发布 E_STRICT 和 E_NOTICE 时区错误。
 openssl_pkcs7_verifyThe content parameter was added.
 session_regenerate_id加入 delete_old_session 参数。
 sha1_file改变函数以使用流 API。这意味着可以使用包装器,比如 sha1_file('http://example.com/..')。
 str_word_count新增 charlist 参数。
 stream_copy_to_streamAdded the offset parameter
 stream_filter_appendPrior to PHP 5.1.0, this function returns TRUE on success 或者在失败时返回 FALSE.
 stream_filter_prependPrior to PHP 5.1.0, this function returns TRUE on success 或者在失败时返回 FALSE.
 stream_get_contents增加参数 offset 。
 strftime现在发布 E_STRICT 和 E_NOTICE 时区错误。
 strtotime现在发布 E_STRICT 和 E_NOTICE 时区错误。
 strtotime失败时返回 FALSE,不再是 -1。
 substr_compare允许使用负数的 offset 参数。
 substr_count新增 offset 和 length 参数。
 XSLTProcessor::registerPHPFunctionsThe restrict parameter was added.
5.0.4msql_fetch_arrayA bug was fixed when retrieving data from columns containing NULL values. Such columns were not placed into the resulting array.
 msql_fetch_objectA bug was fixed when retrieving data from columns containing NULL values. Such columns were not placed into the resulting array.
 msql_fetch_rowA bug was fixed when retrieving data from columns containing NULL values. Such columns were not placed into the resulting array.
5.0.3get_class_varsDepending on the scope, get_class_vars will only return the properties that can be accessed from the current scope.
 is_subclass_ofYou may also specify the object parameter as a string (the name of the class)
5.0.2array_slice增加了可选参数 preserve_keys 。
 class_exists不再为已定义的 interface 返回 TRUE。请使用 interface_exists。
 get_class_varsCalling get_class_vars will now expose all the properties as an array, unlike previous behaviour where protected and private properties were prefixed with nul bytes.
 strtotime在 PHP 5 中到 5.0.2 之前,"now" 和其它相对时间从今天午夜起错误计算了。这和正确从当前时间起计算的其它版本不同。
5.0.1get_class_varsCalling get_class_vars will expose all properties, as when converting an object to a class.
5.0.0apache_get_modules可用于Apache 1或PHP Apache 2 filter API。 在此之前, 只可用于 Apache 2 handler API。
 apache_get_version可用于 Apache 2 filter API.
 array_mergearray_merge 的行为在 PHP 5 中被修改了。和 PHP 4 不同,array_merge 现在只接受 array 类型的参数。不过可以用强制转换来合并其它类型。请看下面的例子。 array_merge PHP 5 例子 <?php $beginning = 'foo'; $end = array(1 => 'bar'); $result = array_merge((array)$beginning, (array)$end); print_r($result); ?> 以上例程会输出: Array ( [0] => foo [1] => bar )
 class_exists增加参数 autoload。
 dirnamedirname 的操作从 PHP 5.0.0 版开始是二进制安全的。
 extension_loadedextension_loaded 使用内置扩展名称来测试一个扩展是否有效。 大多数内置扩展名称是小写的,但也有扩展使用大写字符。 在 PHP 5 之前,此函数以大小写敏感的方式对比名称。
 fgetss参数 length 从 此开始可选。
 filePrior to PHP 5.0.0 the flags parameter only covered include_path and was enabled with 1
 file增加了参数 context
 file_get_contentsAdded context support.
 file_put_contentsAdded context support
 get_class_methods自 PHP 5 起,本函数按照方法被定义的名字返回(区分大小写)。在 PHP 4 中总是返回小写的。
 get_defined_constants增加了参数 categorize。
 is_aThis function became deprecated in favour of the instanceof operator. Calling this function will result in an E_STRICT warning.
 is_executableis_executable 开始可用以于 Windows。
 jdtojewish增加了参数 fl。
 md5新增 raw_output 参数。
 mkdirmkdir 也可用于某些 URL 封装协议。参见 的列表看看 mkdir 支持哪些 URL 封装协议。
 mkdir添加 recursive 参数。
 mysql_fetch_objectAdded the ability to return as a different object.
 opendirpath 支持 ftp:// URL wrapper
 range添加了可选参数 step。
 realpath在此之前的版本中,如果 path 传入了空或者 NULL,将导致 realpath 返回脚本当前的目录。
 renamerename 也可用于某些 URL 封装协议。参见 的列表看看 rename 支持哪些 URL 封装协议。
 rmdir自 PHP 5.0.0 起 rmdir 也可用于某些 URL 封装协议。参见 的列表看看 rmdir 支持哪些 URL 封装协议。
 sha1新增 raw_output 参数。
 socket_create增加 AF_INET6 支持。
 strip_tagsstrip_tags 变为二进制安全的。
 strrpos参数 needle 可以是一个多字符的字符串。
 strrpos引入 offset 参数。
 strtotimeMicroseconds began to be allowed, but they are ignored.
 unlink自 PHP 5.0.0 起 unlink 也可以用于某些 URL 封装协议。参考 中的列表看哪些封装协议支持 unlink。
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