Apache > HTTP Server > �ĵ� > �汾2.2 > ģ��
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Apacheģ�� mod_authn_dbd

���������� Apache 2.1 ���Ժ�İ汾�п���


This module provides authentication front-ends such as mod_auth_digest��mod_auth_basic to authenticate users by looking up users in SQL tables. Similar functionality is provided by, for example, mod_authn_file.

This module relies on mod_dbd to specify the backend database driver and connection parameters, and manage the database connections.

When using mod_auth_basic��mod_auth_digest, this module is invoked via the AuthBasicProvider��AuthDigestProvider with the dbd value.


Configuration Example

This simple example shows use of this module in the context of the Authentication and DBD frameworks.

#Database Management

#Use the PostgreSQL driver
DBDriver pgsql

#Connection string: database name and login credentials
DBDParams "dbname=htpasswd user=apache pass=xxxxxx"

#Parameters for Connection Pool Management
DBDMin  1
DBDKeep 2
DBDMax  10
DBDExptime 60

#Authentication Section
<Directory /usr/www/myhost/private>

    #mod_auth configuration for authn_dbd
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "My Server"
    AuthBasicProvider dbd

    #authz configuration
    Require valid-user

    #SQL query to verify a user
    #(note: DBD drivers recognise both stdio-like %s and native syntax)
    AuthDBDUserPWQuery "select password from authn where username = %s"

AuthDBDUserPWQuery ָ��

˵��SQL query to look up a password for a user
�﷨AuthDBDUserPWQuery query

AuthDBDUserPWQuery specifies an SQL query to look up a password for a specified user. The query must take a single string (typically SQL varchar) argument (username), and return a single value (encrypted password).

AuthDBDUserPWQuery "SELECT password FROM authn WHERE username = %s"


AuthDBDUserRealmQuery ָ��

˵��SQL query to look up a password hash for a user and realm.
�﷨AuthDBDUserRealmQuery query

AuthDBDUserRealmPWQuery specifies an SQL query to look up a password for a specified user and realm. The query must take two string (typically SQL varchar) arguments (username and realm), and return a single value (encrypted password).

AuthDBDUserRealmPWQuery "SELECT password FROM authn WHERE username = %s AND realm = %s"