E.49. �汾 1.02

��������: 1996-08-01

E.49.1. �� v1.02 Ǩ�Ƶ� v1.02.1


���������� 1.02.1 ���µ�Ǩ���ļ��� ������ 'copy' �ĸı��һ������ת���ɵ� ascii �ļ��Ľű���

ע��: �������Ϣ���ڰ�����Щϣ���� postgres95 1.01 �� 1.02 �� postgres95 1.02.1 Ǩ�Ƶ��û���

�����ոտ�ʼʹ�� postgres95 1.02.1 ���Ҳ���ҪǨ�ƾɵ����ݿ⣬ ��ô�㲻��Ҫ�Ķ�����IJ��֣�

Ҫ��Ӿɵ� postgres95 �汾 1.01 �� 1.02 ���ݿ���汾 1.02.1 ������ ��Ҫ�������沽�裺

  1. �����µ� 1.02.1 postmaster

  2. ��1.01��1.02���ݿ��������µ��ڽ������� �����������1.01��1.02�����ݿ��������µ�1.02.1������Ȼ���� ����ĩ�IJ�ѯ����Щ�������Ժ����ɵ�ͨ�� psql ����ɣ� ������1.01��1.02���ݿ�� "testdb" �������Ѿ� �ѱ���ĩβ������������������뵽�ļ� addfunc.sql ���ô��

            % psql testdb -f addfunc.sql

    ��Щ��1.02���ݿ�������������ִ���ļ������������ʱ�ῴ��������Ϣ�� ��Ϊ�����Ѿ���1.02�г����ˣ� ��Щ���治��������⣮

E.49.2. �㵹/�ָ�����

�������ͼ�ָ���ԭ�Ȱ汾�� pg_dump ���ı�ģʽ�� 'copy tablename to stdout'���ɵ����ݣ� ����Ҫ����ЩASCII �ļ������������ sed �ű���Ȼ���ڻָ������ݿ���ȥ�� ��Ϊԭ�ȵĸ�ʽ��'.'��Ϊ���ݽ�������������ʹ��'\.'�� ͬ�������ڿ��ַ�����''����װ�أ�������NULL�� ����� copy ���ֲ�ҳ��ȡ������ϸ��������

        sed 's/^\.$/\\./g' <in_file >out_file

������һ���ɵĶ����ƿ�����DZ�׼��������лָ����ݣ� �Ͳ���Ҫ������ת������Ϊ���������ݽ������ַ����⣮

-- following lines added by agc to reflect the case-insensitive
-- regexp searching for varchar (in 1.02), and bpchar (in 1.02.1)
create operator ~* (leftarg = bpchar, rightarg = text, procedure = texticregexeq);
create operator !~* (leftarg = bpchar, rightarg = text, procedure = texticregexne);
create operator ~* (leftarg = varchar, rightarg = text, procedure = texticregexeq);
create operator !~* (leftarg = varchar, rightarg = text, procedure = texticregexne);

E.49.3. �޸��б�

 * worldwide team of volunteers
 * the source tree now in CVS at ftp.ki.net

 * psql (and underlying libpq library) now has many more options for
   formatting output, including HTML
 * pg_dump now output the schema and/or the data, with many fixes to
   enhance completeness.
 * psql used in place of monitor in administration shell scripts.
   monitor to be depreciated in next release.
 * date/time functions enhanced
 * NULL insert/update/comparison fixed/enhanced
 * TCL/TK lib and shell fixed to work with both tck7.4/tk4.0 and tcl7.5/tk4.1

 * indexes
 * storage management
 * check for NULL pointer before dereferencing
 * Makefile fixes

 * added SolarisX86 port
 * added BSD/OS 2.1 port
 * added DG/UX port